
Water Quality in Dublin

The "Citizen Science Water Quality Survey in Dublin" survey, is an initiative aimed at understanding the condition of our local water bodies. As participants in this endeavor, your observations will play a significant role in assessing water quality and the well-being of aquatic ecosystems. By answering the questions, you will help us gather valuable insights into water clarity, presence of pollutants, signs of aquatic life, water odor, contaminants, shoreline conditions, and human activities. Your contributions will contribute to informed conservation strategies and better management of our precious water resources. Thank you for joining us in this important effort to protect and sustain our environment.

Killiney Beach Change Sentinel

Join 'Killiney Beach Change Sentinels' to monitor and document our shoreline's dynamic changes. This community-driven initiative focuses on recording beach morphological shifts, from beach cusps to subtle sand movements. Your involvement, powered by citizen science, is crucial. Every photo and observation you share preserves our coastline's story and aids academic research. Embark on this journey of discovery and be the eyes of our coastline. Together, let's explore the evolving secrets of Killiney Beach!

Vodoprepustno tlakovanje

Zbirajo se podatki o območjih, ki so še vedno tlakovana z zgodovinskim vodoprepustnim tlakom, in območja, kjer so vodoprepustni tlak nadomestili sodobni materiali in sodobne tehnike tlakovanja.

Urbano zelenje

Zbirajo se podatki o urbanem zelenju (parki, drevoredi, posamična korita z različnimi drevesnimi, grmovnimi in cvetličnimi vrstami, različne vzpenjalke, terase in druge oblike urbanega zelenja).

Zgodovinski vodnjaki

Zbirajo se podatki o vodnjakih in cisternah, ki še vedno obstajajo, in tudi tistih, ki ne obstajajo več (so bili odstranjeni, zazidani ali kako drugače spremenjeni).

Become a Citizen Scientist!

Hello! First, check the eligible area, it is highlighted in blue on the map. To add the location where you would like to install your sensor, you have to click on the “ADD A LOCATION” button. A red marker will appear on the map, drag the map until you have the marker in the position you want. Proceed to answer the questionnaire to the right of the map and click "Submit". That's all! We're currently reviewing applications and will be contacting shortlisted candidates over the next few weeks. Thank you so much!

Become a Citizen Scientist!

Hello! First, check the eligible area, it is highlighted in blue on the map. To add the location where you would like to install your sensor, you have to click on the “ADD A LOCATION” button. A red marker will appear on the map, drag the map until you have the marker in the position you want. Proceed to answer the questionnaire to the right of the map and click "Submit". That's all! We're currently reviewing applications and will be contacting shortlisted candidates over the next few weeks. Thank you so much!

Become a Citizen Scientist!

Hello! First, check the eligible area, it is highlighted in blue on the map. To add the location where you would like to install your sensor, you have to click on the “ADD A LOCATION” button. A red marker will appear on the map, drag the map until you have the marker in the position you want. Proceed to answer the questionnaire to the right of the map and click "Submit". That's all! We're currently reviewing applications and will be contacting shortlisted candidates over the next few weeks. Thank you so much!

Soluciones EBAs en Benidorm

Mapa del municipio de Benidorm donde los participantes deberán mapear posibles soluciones EBAs a los riesgos climáticos que amenazan a la ciudad.

Gdańsk Zapobieganie powodziom!

Zespół  CCLL Gdańsk zaprasza do pilotażowego badania projektu SCORE: ‘Identyfikacja najwrażliwszych obszarów powodziowych Gdańska’, którego celem jest zaproponowanie miejsc instalacji czujników do monitoringu  środowiska dla mieszkańców miasta.


Jak zaznaczyć czujnik?  Najpierw sprawdź kwalifikujący się obszar, czy jest on zaznaczony na mapie na niebiesko. Aby dodać lokalizację, w której chcesz zainstalować czujnik, kliknij przycisk „DODAJ LOKALIZACJĘ”. Na mapie pojawi się czerwony znacznik. Przeciągnij mapę, aż znacznik znajdzie się w żądanym miejscu. Następnie wypełnij kwestionariusz po prawej stronie mapy i kliknij „Wyślij”. To wszystko! Bardzo dziękujemy!


SCORE PhotoBooth Coastal

SCORE Photo Booth Platform is a community-based initiative that involves the public in monitoring and documenting various environments. It plays a vital role in recording changes and raising awareness about environmental preservation.


How does it work?
The SCORE Photo Booth Platform works by setting up fixed photo stations in various locations. People take and share photos from these stations, creating a uniform dataset that helps scientists track environmental changes and supports conservation efforts.

SCORE PhotoBooth Water Quality

SCORE Photo Booth Platform is a community-based initiative that involves the public in monitoring and documenting various environments. It plays a vital role in recording changes and raising awareness about environmental preservation.


How does it work?
The SCORE Photo Booth Platform works by setting up fixed photo stations in various locations. People take and share photos from these stations, creating a uniform dataset that helps scientists track environmental changes and supports conservation efforts.